
王戊  |  副教授




工学博士,副教授,主要从事半导体热电材料与器件的微观结构与物性关联、透射电子显微学等研究,共计发表学术论文63篇,h因子26,总引用数>2000次。近五年,以(共同)第一作者或通讯作者在ScienceNature NanotechnologyScience AdvancesAdvanced Materials等期刊发表论文十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、广东省自然科学基金面上项目和博士后科学基金面上项目,入选深圳市海外高层次人才。



2019年  工学博士(德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院&达姆施塔特工业大学)

2019.07-2021.07  南方科技大学 物理系  博士后

2021.08-2024.05  南方科技大学 物理系  研究助理教授

2024.06-至今  深圳技术大学 集成电路与光电芯片学院  副教授





代表性文章共同一作; *通讯作者)

   1.Wang W, Liu S, Wang Y, Jia B, Huang Y, Xie L, Jiang B, He J, Tailoring local chemical fluctuation of high-entropy structures in thermoelectric materials, Science Advances, 2024, In press.

   2.Liu X, Wang K, Li P*, Tang Q, Huang Z, Lin Y,Wang W, Jiang B*, He J, Optimization of the average figure-of-merit zT in medium-entropy GeTe-based materials via entropy engineering, Journal of Materiomics, 2024, 10(4): 956-963.

   3.Liu X, Wang W, Wang Y, Li P, Tang Q, Jia B, Huang Z, Lin Y, Jiang B, He J, Realizing high thermoelectric performance in GeTe-based supersaturated solid solutions, Advanced Energy Materials, 2024, 2304029.

   4.Lu Y, Zhou Y, Wang W, Hu M, Huang X, Mao D, Huang S, Xie L, Lin P, Jiang B, Zhu B, Feng J, Shi J, Lou Q, Huang Y, Yang J, Li J, Li G, He J, Staggered-layer-boosted flexible Bi2Te3 films with high thermoelectric performance, Nature Nanotechnology, 2023, 18, 1281-1288.

   5.Jiang B, Wang W, Liu S, Wang Y, Wang C, Chen Y, Xie L, Huang M, He J, High figure-of-merit and power generation in high-entropy GeTe-based thermoelectrics, Science, 2022, 377(6602), 208-213.

   6.Wang Q, Wang W, Cao M, Li S, Wang P, He J, Li R, Yan X, Effect of interstitial carbon atoms in core-shell Ni3ZnC0.7/Al2O3 catalyst for high-performance dry reforming of methane, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 317: 121806.

   7.Wang W, Cui J, Sun Z, Xie L, Mu X, Huang L, He J, Direct Atomic-scale Structure and Electric Field Imaging of Triazine-based Crystalline Carbon Nitride, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2106359.

   8.Zhu B, Wang W, Cui J, He J, Point Defect Engineering: Co-doping Synergy Realizing Superior Performance in n-type Bi2Te3 Thermoelectric Materials, Small, 2021, 17, 2101328.

   9.Yang F, Zhao H,Wang W, Wang L, Zhang L, Liu T, Sheng J, Zhu Z, He D, Lin L, He J, Wang R and Li Y, Atomic origins of the strong metal–support interaction in silica supported catalysts, Chemical Science, 2021, 12(38): 12651-12660.

   10.Feng J, Wang W, Huang S, Jiang B, Zhu B, Zhou Y, Cui J, Lin P, Xie L, He J, Porous Thermoelectric Zintl: YbCd2Sb2, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 4(1), 913-920.

   11.Yan X, Sun W,Wang W, Duchesne P. N, Deng X, He J, Kübel C, Li R, Yang D, Ozin G, Flash solid–solid synthesis of silicon oxide nanorods, Small, 2020, 16(35), 2001435.

   12.Wang W, Sun Z, Feng J, Cui J, Huang L, He J, Three-dimensional insight on formation and light-harvesting of hollow-structure carbon nitride, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3(7), 7020-7029.

   13.Sun Z,Wang W, Chen Q, Pu Y, He H, Zhuang W, He J, Huang L, A hierarchical carbon nitride tube with oxygen doping and carbon defects promotes solar-to-hydrogen conversion, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8(6), 3160-3167.

   14.Wang W, Svidrytski A, Wang D, Villa A, Hahn H, Tallarek U, Kübel C, Quantifying morphology and diffusion properties of mesoporous carbon from high fidelity 3D reconstructions, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2019, 25(4), 891-902.



国家自然科学基金青年基金  2024.01–2026.12  30万元  主持

广东省自然科学基金面上项目  2024.01–2026.12  15万元  主持

博士后科学基金面上项目  2020.07–2021.07  8万元  主持

